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Journey of Olfactory Interactions

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

We are excited to have received a number of registered participants who are working in specialised areas related to olfactory experience. Some of you specialised in electronic nose, music computations, interactive ambient environments, interactive arts, just to name a few! Can't wait to meet you all!

Just as we are processing and receiving applications from you, we'd like to invite you to find out more about the organisers and their past work related to olfactory experience. This studio is as much about learning from us as learning from each other.

Meikei Lai has based her work in Olfactory Experience for many years, she has started to explore game play, interactive exhibition using the medium of scent. See her works here: She would like to invite us all to think about unique characteristics of scents and how we should design the interaction closely map with how human beings and our relationships are hardwired to scents. Her doctorate work brings interaction of smells in the family setting and adopts ethnography in to the design process.

Yan Yan Cao has started stumbled upon smell interaction since she was assisting her research group in National University of Singapore was looking at senses such as smell and taste and broaden possibility of Computer Human Interaction in 2011. She then has spent few years focusing on smell interaction in her PhD work and exhibited Scented Pebbles TEI15'. But the passion hasn't faded after these years developing prototypes and creating showcases, and she found there are much more to be done, especially bringing people together to co-create who are interested in this area. She also is interested in how to bring smell interactions in service design and other contexts of interests.

Please watch this space for updates. We will share many posts about our past projects and exhibitions, our thoughts on olfactory interactions as we progress, and news of recent advancement in olfactory interactions. We particularly would like to share our thoughts on how it’s used in art as well as game play as new medium, unconscious impact of smell, and its great potential for interactions.

For registered participants, an email will be sent to you soon to prepare for the studio. Please spread the words and stay tuned!


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